

Learn German, play theatre and have fun

July 7 – July 25, 2025

Be brave and join us!


Children in the 3rd grade who want to improve their German.


  • Your child will be changing to a new school in a year’s time.
  • In Deutschsommer summer camp children improve their German language skills.
  • The children enjoy themselves and make new friends.
  • They become more self-confident and independent.
  • This way your child will start 4th grade better prepared

What do the children do in the Deutschsommer program?

  • The children learn German in a fun and playful way.
  • They write and perform a play.
  • They do arts and crafts, play games, engage in sports and go on excursions.


  • The Deutschsommer lasts three weeks. It takes place from July 7th to July 25th, 2025.
  • The children stay overnight at the Schullandheim Wegscheide from Monday to Friday. On the weekends they return home.
  • Three teachers oversee one group of 15 children. The teachers are approachable day and night!
  • The Schullandheim Wegscheide ist located in the green countryside right outside Bad Orb and is equipped with great play and sports facilities.
  • A bus tranfers the children to the Deutschsommer summer camp and back to Frankfurt.
  • Of course any dietary rules and allergies are taken into account.


The Deutschsommer summer camp costs 60 euros per child. The cost are eligible for reimbursement by the Bildung und Teilhabe (BuT) program.


  • You can register your child here until January 31.
  • We will then ask the class teacher of your child to provide us with information about the language skills of your child.
  • In April 2025, you will receive  a confirmation. With the confirmation, you will receive an invitation to an informational event


If you have any questions, please contact Sascha Janitz (Project Manager).

We look forward to seeing your child and you!

Sascha Janitz Projektleitung Deutschsommer 0163-4415775